Guilty as Charged, Amen

After two decades of sojourn in Singapore, I returned to the comfort and familiarity of my old home town. My compassionate half was introduced to at first a handful of broken souls, yes, emotionally hurt and spiritually maimed from a particular church. They in turn brought the rest, almost the whole congregation, to her door step. They needed answers and resolutions, healing. Annie counseled and prayed with them. I stayed by the side, just a bit curious. Annie always kept her counseling confidential even from me her most intimate soul mate.

After a while, I was introduced to some of the more vocal ones. Over coffee, they confided stridently of cheats and deceits by their pastor whom they had supported with all their hearts and pockets.  They were clearly hurt as he had deeply disappointed them. I listened patiently but unconvinced, doubtful that a man of the cloth with such a high calling to serve had instead hurt the very people he was supposed to serve. “How could you people turn against your pastor? Isn’t he called by the Almighty? Don’t you know he has given up everything to come and serve in your small town? Are you so ungrateful?” My thoughts condescended inaudibly. I just folded my arms and waited for them to continue.


They shared that they had been in the harvest field with their pastor from the very first day he started his ministry there over 10 years ago. They excitedly heeded the call when reminded that the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. They fervently devoted their hearts, souls and minds into building the body church, and faithfully poured their hard earned money into purchasing the church premise. They would drop tool whatever they were doing at a snap of his fingers at his beck and call any time all the time even just to attend to his young children or drive him all the way down the Peninsula for his preaching engagements. They had cheerfully given their tithes and love offering, as if they were their last two copper coins to support his ministry.

They had frequently congregated for worship at rented premises in some nearby back water towns when called upon as part of mission works according to their pastor. I suspected more for show and dance when overseas visitors and donors are in town. Soon, he would be asking for more love offerings to buy more premises in those smaller towns, church planting. He would then operate kindergartens from most of those premises. He stressed that incomes generated the kindergartens are to fund further mission works in those towns. I nodded understandingly but thus far everything seems alright.

They highlighted that he had gone to Singapore on a number of preaching engagements and fundraising. Yeah, I have heard of him before I moved back. So far, I still find nothing unusual. It is quite normal for pastors to do so. Churches in Singapore are quite prosperous and known to be very generous. He had even sent regular newsletters to churches overseas pleading for funds to support his works in the “Islamic” heartland and “Christian” hard land of Kedah. I was still quite okay albeit he may be stretching the hard land sales pitch a bit far for his overseas readers. I guessed just to tug at their sympathy and purse strings.

Then they continued that all monies, tithes, love offerings, kindergarten’s incomes and overseas church’s remittances received had always been banked into his personal accounts. The various premises purchased were registered under either his personal name or his close associate’s names purportedly holding in trust for the church. He explained that their church is an underground church and hence cannot be registered with the authorities as a club or firm or company. As a result, their church cannot open any bank accounts or own any real properties. He confirmed that this is a common practice amongst the smaller independent churches. My suspicious left eye brow twitched a notch. Something didn’t smell right.

They trustingly, more likely gullibly, acquiesced with his reasoning. They even averred that he is a man of the cloth after all and he wouldn’t cheat them or take them for a ride, right? I could only surmise they were probably just uncomplicated small town simpletons, definitely not legally minded, too trusting of their pastor to know that such so called common practice is simply wrong. Any monies banked into his personal accounts and properties registered under his personal name, even held in trust, are legally his personal property.

“Still, what is your beef?” I inquired. They replied that now he had moved to a bigger town, my hometown, sort of heeding some divine prompting from up high. He could no longer pastor their church. However, he insisted that they must still continue to channel all their tithes and love offerings to him. They must also foot the utilities bills for his kindergarten. Initially, for a while, they obeyed and did not question him.

However, over time when they needed some funds for functions, celebrations or even repairs, they were told each and every time to find the funds elsewhere. “They are just speed bumps, never insurmountable tests, permitted by the Almighty to fulfilling His divine purpose according to His richness in glory. Come on, you are more than conquerors. Ask and it shall be given, beg or borrow but don’t steal from elsewhere. Have faith, Jehovah Jireh will provide. Trust and obey for there is no other way.” Against such Scriptural quotes, how could they confront their pastor who is God’s chosen spokesperson?

motivational click november einstein collectionEmotionally, they felt abandoned, not chosen heirs, more wretched than beggars in their own church for even orphans and beggars do not need to pay any tithes. They had ignorantly supported his wrongdoings, wholeheartedly indulged and spoilt him and innocently allowed the love of mammon to take roots in him. Anyway, whatever alleged so far were still at most hearsays.

So they naively requested some sort of autonomy since he was no longer pastoring there. Well, I can find nothing unreasonable or wrong with their request. As earthly parents, we would be more than happy and proud when our grown up children asked for some autonomy, better still leave the nest, flap your wings and fly into the horizon. Instead of emulating the generosity father of the Prodigal Son, he threatened to excommunicate them even branding them deviants and heretics and was adamant they must vacate the church premise.  Sigh, whatever happened to the more blessed to give than receive and abiding grace so often preached.

Despite their vehemence, I asked for evidence. Well, since they were rather unwilling to vacate the very church they occupy, I asked for a copy of the accounting records and title deeds to confirm their allegations. They went the extra mile and extracted also title deeds for other premises from the Land Office except for those old premises built on undivided land and those low cost premises without any title deed in the first place.

I drove to some of the premises. I needed to see for myself their conditions. Most were being used as kindergarten otherwise empty. I doubted any regular church services could be conducted at any of those premises, just too small, possibly for occasional cell group or cottage meetings. And, yes, the premises were registered under his personal name or his close associate’s names.

I think I need to pause here and elaborate further for us laymen what their pastor did was wrong, actually illegal. Bear with me, indulge me for a moment. Hmmn…

Legally, money is fungible. Therefore, any tithes and love offerings should be banked into an account clearly separated from his personal account to avoid commingling. By receiving money to support his church ministries and/or to purchase premises for church use, the pastor had assumed the position of a trustee, albeit a constructive trustee, and endowed with the fiduciary responsibility to act in the best interest for the beneficiaries. The three certainties of a trust, certainty of intention (to create a trust), certainty of subject (underlying assets) and certainty of objects (beneficiaries), are most certainly present in their situation.

Their pastor did by conduct undertake to act for and on behalf of his church or overseas churches to use the tithes and offerings appropriated from them for the expansion of God’s Word and/or purchase premises for church use and not for his personal use thereby giving rise to a relationship of trust and confidence. He had commingled the money received for ministry with his personal money when they were banked into his same personal account. The premises purchased and registered under his personal name and the incomes generated from kindergartens were similarly banked into his personal account. Clearly, he had committed some breaches of trust.

As ignorance of the law is no excuse, he cannot plead that he was not aware of the constructive trusts created. From his conducts, it is clear that he lacked probity. He preached extreme hardships, abject poverty and dire need of money for evangelism and church works only to dip his hands into the money when no one was looking. “Occasionally only what, like that also cannot meh, sure boh”.  In fact, no one had ever looked through his personal account. Audit, what audit? Audit costs money, you know. He should thank the Almighty that no one was willing or had made any police report against him for surely the public prosecutor would have had a field day and as surely he would have had been found guilty as charged.


Anyway, they refused to vacate the church immediately. They needed time to heal and find a new place. However, their obstinate pastor was not easily assuaged and mollified. He stubbornly insisted that they must vacate the premise yesterday. He even went as far as making a police report to instigate a police raid in an attempt to force them out during one New Year’s Eve celebration. Gratefully, nothing untoward happened as the police chief ordered them to seek settlement through the civil courts. How interesting, abundant grace so freely showered often preached by their pastor from the pulpit yet so lacking in practice, so damn hollow.

A few years passed in a blink, broken hearts were mended and maimed lives healed. Time indeed is a good healer. Their pain, anger and disappointment subsided. We helped raise some money for them to buy a new place where they can call their own. They forgave their pastor and return the old church premise back to him.

Christian community in my hometown is quite small. Some my friends worshipping at his church often wondered why I was so distance or cool toward their pastor. When I gave them the abridged version, most would try expectedly to defend him. Their favorite retort, “Who are you to judge the anointed of God? Even David did not slay King Saul when he had the chance because he knew King Saul despite his transgressions was anointed of God.” Further, they would usually add, “Let God judges him.” Yeah, right. It is very easy to preach when you are not the ones cheated.

My replies were simply who affirmed him as anointed of God but himself? Even if he was divinely anointed, he may have lost his anointing like King Saul. Didn’t the Scriptures warn of wolves in sheep’s clothing? Didn’t the Scriptures also admonish us to be as wise as a snake and to test everything in the Spirit? O my God, why is your chosen people so gullible?

Then City Harvest scandal exploded across the headlines, I must admit I was not surprised at all. It was kind of expected, not if but when, déjà vu. Honestly, I was expecting the Island’s another megachurch not City Harvest to make such headlines. Nonetheless, I was still saddened by the news. Geez, history really has a bad habit of repeating itself.

Curiously piqued, I forced myself to watch Mr. Bill and China Wine. Somehow, I could finish neither. I found not just the lyrics offensive but the whole Sun aka Geisha ala temptress’s performance sleazy, make-ups vampy, gyrations slutty and wardrobe scanty, just too painful to watch, contemptuously distasteful bordering doxy pornography. I can only wonder how the Almighty is going to mysteriously intervene to miraculously transform her music videos into semblance of Gospel evangelism. Even then, I would still give City Harvest the benefit of doubt and acknowledge there was nothing wrong or illegal. I mean you should see David Pierce with his band “No Longer Music” performing in red light districts (Rosse Buurt) of De Wallen, Singelgebied and Ruysdaelkade in Amsterdam. I can accept that certain ministries are out of the ordinary to reach out not to the regular people but to those who dwell on fringes of society. They are not your main stream ministries, very alien, very loud, very weird and very provocative. Yet, I am still fine with all so long as the Good News is shared.

Well, City Harvest’s Crossover Project, like any projects, needed money, lots of it if you want to make any significant inroads into the MTV world. “Hey, we have some idle cash in the church building fund, let’s use that first in the meantime and pay back later. Let’s talk about pay back later when we come to the bridge. Come on people, it is for a good cause, divine mind you.”

The day of reckoning inevitably came to pass. “Oops, the Project is a flop. Don’t worry. I have found someone to donate some love offering to cover the money expended for Crossover. Let’s create some paper trail to treat that money coming in as redemption of some bond investment, to regularize the books. What round tripping? No loss to the church, brother. Okay everybody, capeesh?”


Now that the trial has ended all 6 charged, Co-founder of City Harvest Kong Hee, his deputy Tan Ye Peng, former church accountant Serina Wee, former church finance manager Sharon Tan, former investment manager Chew Eng Han and former CHC board member John Lam, have all been found guilty as charged for all the charges of criminal breach of trust and falsification of accounts. All six were clearly involved in the misuse of the church Building Fund to finance the Crossover Project and to later create some sort of sham bond investments with supporting audit paper trail to cover up the former.

The guilty verdict which was not unexpected did send grievous shock waves throughout the Island and almost rent asunder the Island’s Christian community with City Harvest in the epicenter. Heated debates and emotions on both sides of the divide flared vociferously and raged on unabated. One side proclaimed justice done and vindications while the other decried miscarriage of justice, innocent mistake and pure motives. Whatever they may be, let them ventilate their feelings and frustrations and allow time to assuage and heal mysteriously. Didn’t God created time? Didn’t the Almighty say He works in mysterious ways? So please say your peace graciously and please allow your detractors to say theirs graciously too. Let’s just agree to disagree and move on with life.

Kong Hee, I am certain, has (not had) started off well. I had the privilege of witnessing his works and honor of listening to his preaching of the Word. I would add he is definitely gifted and called by the Almighty. Although he seems to be a man after God’s heart, but he still remains, albeit chosen or even anointed, a carnal man nonetheless and most definitely not God. And to err is human. Kong Hee did err when he surreptitiously dipped his hands into the church building fund for funds to finance the Crossover project. He knew it was wrong. Instead of coming clean on the onset with his flock and get their agreement which is in all likelihood a given, he took the most convenient route. However pure or morally justifiable his actions may be, the crux of the matter is he did misappropriate the church building fund and later tried to cover up the misappropriation.

Coming clean even at this stage and seeking his flock’s ratification, he would most probably be let off with a stern warning by the Regulators for an innocent breach. Instead, he decided pull wool over everyone’s eyes by creating the rather convoluted sham bond investments and paper trail. If he had done nothing at this stage, the prosecutor would be facing an almost impossible uphill task of proving any prior knowledge of wrongdoing and/or the intention to deceive or dishonesty. Ask any prosecutor, he will relate how hard it is for him to prove a negative in court where the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty. Ask any judge, he will confide that the best explanation is no explanation. The Defendants’ explanations were just too complicated and convoluted, too thorough and professional, to be genuine more like an afterthought arrangement to cover all bases to cover-up prior misappropriation of the church building fund.


I am neither City Harvest’s nor Kong Hee’s detractor. I too feel the pain and sadness. Yes, he did sacrifice much for the expansion of His kingdom. Yes, he did bless many lives. Yes, he did not make any personal financial gain. Yes, he was most likely ill-advised. Perhaps, the matter should have been settled quietly internally. But, now it is already water under the bridge. No, the guilty verdict is not wrong. No, there is no miscarriage of justice. No, it is also not devilry or spiritual attacks or works of the principalities and powers in high places. Remember, Romans 8:28, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” All things refer to both good and bad. Uphold all six as they await sentencing, their families, City Harvest and the rest of the Body in your prayers. Pray not simply for some divine reversal of their convictions but like our Lord in Gethsemane pray for the Father’s will to be done. Prayer for repentance and forgiveness, pray for grace to abound and pray for the strength to live according to His purpose.

In closing, let’s pray the Lord’s Prayer, “Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done, in earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, forever and ever. Amen.”

Kick the Damn Tyres

My desk phone rang. I picked it up on the third ring. I politely returned his greetings. The voice sounded hollow and distant, most likely an overseas call. Mind you, it was pre-VOIP era and mobile phones were probably still in the laboratory. Anyway, I inquired as to the reasons for the call as I was not familiar with his English name.  He spoke Queen’s English with a tint of foreign accent, as if he were trying to pass off himself as an English gentleman. I let him articulate at length the purpose of his call.

He started by commending me of my success in life as if he were my close acquaintance. I guess to soften me up so that I would put down my guard. I immediately detected disingenuousness in his charm coated flatteries. He mentioned that he came across my name from some Wall Street sophisticated investors list. Yeah right, it was called the Suckers List. I held my peace. Then he went on to introduced his company which sounded like some Wall Street firm. Interesting, Wall Street twice in the same breath, I must be proud to be listed and now this personal call.

Millennia Falcon Plc

Before I could interrupt, he quickly continued that his firm had recently come across some sensitive insider information on certain US-based company whose shares were listed and quoted on the Stock Exchange of New York. The price of that company will be going through the roof once the information is made public and you do not want to miss this once in a life time opportunity to ride the upswing. He sounded credibly convincing.

I tapped on my desktop and checked the name of the company on Bloomberg. Yup, it is there. He prattled on with his sales pitch that I should jump onto the bandwagon as soon as yesterday. He assured that his firm should be able to get a block of the shares just for me if I am interested. When I did not reply immediately, he quickly continued and gave me the settlement details of his firm’s banker in Singapore, a very reputable Main Street bank, to allay any doubt. I played along and asked how much should I invest.

“Let’s start small. Small bite size investments to get know him and his firm. How about US$100,000?” he replied. I dilly dallied. He sensed my reluctance and downsized the amount to US$50,000 which rapidly dropped to only US$10,000. Come, Mr. Successful and Sophisticated Investor, you could surely afford to punt US$10,000, small change, right. I hemmed and hawed noncommittally just to drag the phone call as long as I could. International call charges were exorbitantly expensive in those days.

I could smell his desperation when he lowered the figure to just US$1,000. Then I asked whether his investors list has any details of my current employer as Nomura Securities? Either the name did not register or his synapses were busy firing away for ideas as he sounded distracted when he lowered the figure to a meagerly US$500. I re-iterated that Nomura Securities happened to be one of the world’s largest securities houses. We eat and shit securities at Nomura 24/7. I told him point blank to get a proper job in a proper firm, not in his present bucket shop and stop conning people. I slammed down the phone and could not wipe the smile off my face for the rest of the afternoon.

If I had remitted the US$100,000 that will probably be the last time I see my money. Any attempt to trace the firm thereafter will probably end up at some non-existent address on Smoky Mountain slum or below Chao Phraya River. If the initial remittance is small, they would most likely follow up with some fictitious favorable analyst reports of missed opportunity to lure me into investing a larger sum before they magically disappear into thin air.

We call these firms, bucket shops, because the “bucketeers” simply take all the investment monies, metaphorically putting them into a bucket, without any executions of the underlying transactions through any regulated Stock Exchanges, i.e. no transfer or delivery of the underlying securities. These non-existent transactions are only nominally recorded on the firm’s books and any supporting letters, contract notes and/or confirmations would be generated and printed in-house. Such firms could be easily and are always set up to operate in any unregulated countries outside the reach of the regulators of the underlying securities and where the regulations over such stock broking activities are lax.

Starship Bucket

Don’t be fooled by correspondence printed on premium papers with embossed letterhead, official looking contract notes and/or statements of account sent to you. They are all easily generated and printed in-house. Even the accurate analyst reports are but a cut and paste away, and remember hind sight forecasts are always accurate. Such firm can be easily set up, simple and rudimentary with only a telephone, desktop and printer, and of course a slick financial jargon coated forked tongue. You don’t need a Starship Enterprise.

One simple way to imagine the above is to picture your placing of some side-bets with illegal bookies. You can be assured of your winning’s payout with Magnum or Toto. Illegal bookies will probably be around to payout small winnings but once you hit the jackpot, they will likely make a Houdini disappearing act before you.

Since I mentioned that my “bucketeer” claimed to have some sensitive insider information, as would most “bucketeers” in town, you would probably want to know what is so sensitive, who is the insider and what information am I talking about? I believe we have all read or heard about so and so had been convicted for insider trading. The key word is trading. If you happened to get your hand on some insider information of relevant listed company but do nothing about it, you can sleep soundly at night. No Hollywood FBI poundings on your door at midnight.

However, if you trade (buy or sell) in the underlying securities when in possession of such information then pray that the prosecutor would deem you too small a minnow to fry in court, a waste of time and money, stamped “No Further Action”. However, that does not mean you will not be cordially invited for some not too pleasant coffee catch up with the regulator’s investigation, probably interrogation, team. Why put the Sword of Damocles above your bed, right?

Sensitive information is essentially confidential information of the company which may affect the price of its listed shares that is yet to be announced or made public. Insiders are those officer or executives who have or have access to such confidential information. They are usually restricted from trading in the relevant shares for a blackout period prior to the announcement of or making public such information. Whether the information is favorable or adverse, whether you make a profit or suffer a loss or just breakeven and whether the price of the shares goes up or down or stays the same, so long as you buy or sell the shares you are in breach of insider trading regulations, “SALAH”. Additionally, be careful about passing such information to family members or close friends or anyone because if they act on it, you are culpable by association, also “SALAH”.

Anyway, most of these insiders are usually quite clever covering up their tracks. Trading through some distant and multi-layer anonymous nominees set up in some foreign tax haven countries or as part of some trading program of some international offshore funds. They operate in the unfathomable murky world of global finance no much different from predatory sharks swimming in the deep murky ocean, both are difficult to find and damn difficult to catch. Perhaps, that explains the dearth of their convictions from insider trading.


I am more concern with the aunties and uncles, unsophisticated or non-accredited investors or just plain retail investors as they are called world of high finance, minnows. They are most likely the ones who would not be able to discern whether the insider information is real or fictitious and whether leaked intentionally or inadvertently. In most cases, they are likely to buy up if the information is favorable, and sell down if adverse. This decision is correct if the information is real but our innocent aunties and uncles may innocently end up being prosecuted for insider trading. On the other hand, if the information is fictitious, our innocent aunties and uncles though will not face prosecution but they would in all likelihood lose their skirts or pants. Heads they lose tails they also lose.

Clever insiders can easily manipulate our minnows through misinformation. Any insider information leaked will be happily lapped up by them when it seems to be from the horse’s mouth, or more aptly shark’s jaws. These insiders could easily leak favorable misinformation to deceive the market into buying up their shares, knowing that they can later buy them back cheaper once the real adverse information is announced. In finance jargon, they short the shares only to buy back to cover post- announcement.

On the flip side, they could leak adverse misinformation to lure the market into selling down the shares to them and they can later sell back at a higher price after the real favorable information is announced. In finance jargon, they long the shares only to sell back into the market post-announcement.

My rule of thumb is quite simple if the purported insider information has finally trickled down to our aunties and uncles who inhabit the lowest rung of the investment world it is most likely rumors or stale, has been acted upon, too late, the boat has already left harbor. And even if it is from the horse’s mouth, I would take it with a bowl of salt. Remember, heads you lose tails you also lose. So it is safest to just ignore them altogether.

Remember the rough and tumble of the securities markets are not meant for the faint hearted. Be prepared for the volatility. If you can’t sleep when prices go against your positions you are probably better off investing in calmer waters like unit trusts or mutual funds or just placing your money in fixed deposits. If there is some iron in your heart, do your homework on the companies before investing in their shares. Check them thoroughly out first. Open the bonnet and kick the damn tyres. Focus on fundamentals.

Don’t simply follow the herd. Remember sharks may just be corralling their dinner. Don’t be easily swayed by braggarts. Remember success has many mothers, failure is an orphan. Don’t blindly embrace analysts’ views. Remember in strong winds even turkeys fly. Don’t get anxious if miss buying at the lowest trough or selling at the highest crest. Remember you are just human, not perfect, like everybody else.

Take a longer term view to ease the ache and moderate ecstasy. Try to avoid volatilities from contra trades. They are for brave hearts. Invest only the sum you could afford to lose. Preferably, try not to borrow. Yeah, I know it is always once in a lifetime opportunity. Your reliable source said so. Before you get carried away just remember bankers are fair weather friends. Finally, if you think you can outsmart the market, not think again, just don’t for it will inevitably bring about your precipitous downfall.


Everybody, Behold the MLM

After blogging my thoughts on “High Yield Investments, Anybody” a few of my friends asked about the dynamics behind Multi-Level Marketing or Pyramid Direct Selling. Many recounted horror stories while a handful swore of success. Let me muse objectively through my shrouded thoughts, damn the haze (API 249 today), on this much misunderstood MLM creature.

My better half did share about her experience counseling reconciliation to quite a number of couples at the verge of breakup from some MLM misadventures. In most, if not all, cases their misadventures quickly morphed into marital storms when their storerooms packed with useless MLM stock or overdrawn joint bank accounts were discovered.


Usually, the gentler halves were the innocent victims. They were easily charmed into the MLM as easy business opportunity and probably just to oblige close family members or friends over innocuous coffee or at emotional conventions. Why the gentler halves? Well, it is universal almost biblical truth that ladies care more for their appearance and health, and are seldom afraid to spend to remove a line or two. Perhaps, that is the reason why merchandise peddled through MLM tends to appeal to them. Hence, it is not surprising that health and beauty related products form bulk of any MLM stock-in-trade. Truth be told, ladies are, how should I put it, impulsive may be not so apt, let me see, yes susceptible buyers, easily swayed by wonder cure and beauty sales pitch. I would avoid the more apt word, gullible, so as not to incur their wrath. I am so sorry, I take my word back.

Well, no one should blame them for trying to earn some extra pocket money. Those MLM health and beauty products are most appealing, most essential lady’s necessity anyway. Otherwise, their spouses may not bear kissing them goodbye or goodnight. Just sign the dotted line to immediately enjoy discounts or cash rebates, savings mind you. Sounds good don’t need to bargain anymore.

If and only when the products have proven efficacious as claimed only then share your satisfaction as Good News to close family members, relatives or friends. Then they would more than welcome you, to hear you sharing your experience. They may even be more than willing to sign-up, grateful that you thought of them first. Always remember, you will enjoy further cash rebates even on their purchases so long as you continue to spend your minimum sum. Sounds great don’t need to spend more to enjoy bonus incentive. Otherwise, just drop out anytime and treat the small sum spent as tuition fee, and hopefully you did not in the meantime suffer any allergic reactions, however mild. Guess no harm trying.

Well, if you are worried that you are not the most convincing of recruiters or a quiet introvert type, worry no more and rest assured for help is but a press of the handphone button away. Just invite your potentials for coffee to network with your successful uplines. They will take it from there. Or you may invite them to your upline’s home for dinner. Alternatively, you may wish to invite them to the lavish glitzy conventions where celebrity speakers grace the stage. Sounds grand don’t need to hard sell anymore. Fret not your dear ones will not avoid you like a plague and your phone calls will not automatically be routed into a voice mail anymore.

It is all about you, your personal journey to health and wealth. Most people today, in their youth, strive for wealth at the expense of their health to only spend their wealth to regain their health in their twilight years. You will be empowered not just as any consumers but also as wise consumer cum business owner. You will be enabled to grow your business and wealth exponentially while ensuring your health as well. Damn. Their sale pitch is most persuasive and promising. Sounds so easy and healthy don’t need to put in too much effort to grow customer base exponentially. Depart you from me, o white hair and crow’s feet.

Help is readily at hand, on hand, to recruit more to replace expected natural attrition and drop outs and/or strengthen your downline base. Further, upon achieving certain milestones, you will be going for an all expense paid holiday or given the keys to a luxury continental car. Next you may find yourself basking in the glamour and limelight at lavish glitzy conventions, waltzing down the red carpet like Bollywood movie stars and Hollywood celebrities and even crowned as Disney royalties.


Let’s just begin your journey in baby steps, first sign the dotted line. Then try sharing your feel good experience on a personal one-to-one basis over coffee. Colorful flip charts will be availed to guide you. After that, try sharing your achievements in small group settings at home over dinner. White boards or OHP, no problem. Once you are ready, you may be invited to take the podium to share your accomplishments at lavish seminars, and may be, who knows, even grace the stage at national conventions. Spot lights, microphones and cinematic projectors, already done. The sky is the limit.

The experience sounds like, looks like and feels like the personal journey of those who profess to be the followers of the biblical Son of God nailed on the rugged cross 2 millennia ago. Navigator’s buddy evangelism, Home Cell Group dynamics, Church Worship services and National Evangelism Rallies. Perhaps in all likelihood that is where MLM got its idea or may be from more ancient Pharaoh’s pyramids.

Admittedly, the MLM strategy albeit even a carbon copy of the biblical evangelism strategy, is still rather ingenious and most importantly, it works perfectly. Simply replacing the Word with products and I dare say voila you have re-invented one of the most effective business models. Jesus started with 12, and today there are billions. There is nothing evil or wrong with it. It is just business. Empowering consumers as business owners makes common business sense. Earn while you spend with a chance to potentially reach for the sky. No one in the right frame of mind would want to miss out on such an opportunity. Under such a model, every owner automatically becomes not just a captive but also a repeat loyal customer, the very dream of any business.

You decide when you want to be millionaire or even multi-millionaire and set your recruitment pace accordingly. The more aggressive your recruitment efforts the faster you will build up your pyramid and the quicker you earn your big money.

From investment risk-reward perspective, MLM platform provides an almost ideal investment structure wherein investments (purchases) are relatively small in comparison to the potentially astronomical returns (cash rebates). Multitudes had heard about MLM, many signed up and quite a number earned their bragging rights of making tons of money. On the other side of the equation, equally as many had dropped out and expectedly screamed scams and cheats. Many too refused to sign-on for whatever reasons. I had the opportunity of being invited and did attend a few of such lavish road shows but I humbly remained on the outside, a gentile.

I must admit that the MLM model makes business sense. The strategy is sound and robust. The dynamics is simple and effective. Basically, MLM cuts out the traditional intermediary’s markup for overheads, advertisements and promotions, logistics and profit margin and simply shares it amongst its business owners. Ask any retailers, they will confirm that 200-300% markups (or profit margins of 50-60%) are a norm. Assuming 5% for each level, the MLM venture can support a pyramid community of up to 10-12 levels. Everyone on whichever level has vested and carried interest buy and recruit new members to ensure that the pyramid does not collapse under its own weight.

So you may ask why am I still a gentile. Well, my hang-up is with the products peddled. Most are OTC healthcare products and cosmetics. Benefits are at best sound-bite testimonies and unverified clinical findings. Placebos sold as wonder-cure based on hearsays. Regular household utensils and water filters are another common MLM products; simply re-package convection ovens as air fryers or water filters as oxygenated, ionized or RO water and support them with some beneficial claims supposedly written by some professionals for hire, and push through the pyramid. Buying over-priced utensils for the sake of buying is plainly silly, somehow getting the queasy feeling of being cheated.

Now back to MLM pyramid. Like all pyramidal models, the key business drivers are the recruitment ratio (multiplier factor), number of levels (profit margin/cash rebate) and amount spent. Unlike the illegal High Yield scams where there is no underlying assets or products or business and the only activity is the collection of new money to pay old money with the scammer inevitably running off with the windfall. Here we have a legitimate business based on MLM strategy. In between, you would find the quasi or wayward, the likes of Genneva Gold, Ponzi and Madoff.

Let’s take an example from the market. No names, sorry. To remain in the pyramid, you will need let’s say to spend just $200 per month to buy some healthcare products, recruit 10 downlines and enjoy 5% cash rebates (income) per level up to 12th level. The MLM Company just simply needs to ensure that the profit margins for its products are not less than 60% or COGS not more than 40%. The cashflow for this MLM pyramid is easily calculated using simple Excel spreadsheet. The self explanatory table is shown for easy referencing, actually more for reality check.

Spread 6

You would probably be shown column 7 (Level 1) to grab your attention on the potential phenomenal income you could reap over coffee or during recruitment road shows. Column 2 (Investors) would unlikely be shown for the obvious reasons. Even if the whole population of our known world is involved level 11 cannot be empirically achieved. At level 10, you are talking of every citizen of China. It is for reality check. What is the number of customers that a business could realistically reach and hold? Facebook claimed to have over 300 million out of a global population of 7 billion, between level 9 and 10. Marketing 101, work backward from your target markets and make your estimate, a realistic one please.

Recruitment up to the 3rd Manager level should be a breeze, 4th Director level may be tough but achievable, 5th President level looks insurmountable but no pain no gain, 6th Diamond level quite insurmountable but no choice must try, 7th level and thereafter a distant dream, no harm hoping. Well, they did promise the sky is the limit. The recruitment effort needs to be continually maintained without any let ups just to stem drop outs, and aggressively intensified to achieve exponential growth for the promised big money.

O yes, before I pen off. If you are wondering about column 9 (Net Cashflow), well someone has to foot the bills for all the holidays, glitzy conventions and of course Lamborghini cars. So to my friends who are MLM converts and evangelists, good luck and God speed. Don’t despise the gentiles if they do not wish to follow you into your land of milk and honey. To those backsliders, forgive and forget, be happy for those who believe, bless them and move on with your life. To those who are still gentile like me, fret not, enjoy life and be happy. No, you did not miss the boat. To those on the verge of epiphany, parse through my humble thoughts again before you take that leap of faith.

Let the Show Begins

When I moved back to Malaysia I was initially intrigued by politics. I thought, rather hoped, that the struggle would fair and gentlemanly although I have been told there is no such thing as a clean fight in politics. You do whatever it takes, bite off the ears, claw at the eyes, squeeze the balls and punch at the throat, whatever necessary, lie, cheat, bribe and imprison to win regardless of costs. Today, I cannot but agree that Malaysian politics, albeit fascinating and bewildering, is outright dirty gutter. Numbed, I am no longer shocked to hear that even scumbags and crooks should be selected as candidates so long as they win election. Look at the bunch of morons and goons in the present August House. Sigh, now I am politically aware.

Collage 1

Most recent political struggle that is hogging the media limelight is the most embarrassing and protracted clash of the country’s former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir better known as Dr. M against his selected heir the present Prime Minister Najib. Like his predecessor Pak Lah, Najib ignores Dr. M. As such, Dr. M has no choice but to strike Najib from his pocket booklet, and Najib has to go.

When Dr. M voiced his displeasure, many thought Najib’s days were numbered. His silence and inactions then were suggestive of Najib negotiation for an amicable exit. It is an open national secret. However, unlike Pak Lah, Najib refuses to go away. He did give the appearance of rolling over dead but he was just playing dead. Instead he gave them his middle finger. Many including the wily old fox Dr. M were fooled. Come what may, Najib is staying put for the duration.

Sabre rattling about 1MDB debacle and $2.6 billion deposit scandal is not going to work. Even the threat of tabling the motion of no confidence in Parliament will be a non starter. Najib knows the motion will not be carried as it will have enough votes without support from Members of Parliament from his party UMNO. The brouhaha by the MPs from the other side of the divide, the opposite side, is nothing but song and dance around the campfire. Any attempt to table such a motion will be foolery and futility as it would never see the light of day.

Even the massive people’s movement BERSIH failed to rock the boat, mere ripples, just an irritating side show. And Dr. M was there, so what. Najib’s counter-productive Red shirt rally was easily dismissed as works of jesters. Implementing the Goods and Services Tax, raising petrol prices when global crude prices are dropping and raising toll rates are amongst the many unpopular Government measures attracted sporadic uproar and flash mobs soon forgotten.

Contingent from SP

Contingent from SP

Dr. M is well informed and assessed of the present situation. He understands his present predicament. He knows he faces more than an uphill task, herculean, to dislodge Najib. He dictated the incumbency. He strengthened the defensive entrenchment, deepened the watery impediments and fortified the protective walls around incumbency by destroying the other pillars of Democracy and corrupting the constitutional checks and balances against abuses of power in order to concentrate all powers in the hands of the PM, his then obviously. He enjoyed his absolute, unquestionable and almost dictatorial power during his 22-year iron fisted rule. Now he knows he has no choice but to continue to wage an all out however attritional the assault if he wants to dislodge Najib. He must attack from all fronts, through his proxies and media, frontal and fifth column, within and without, however long whatever the cost, with only the downfall of Najib no less as his paramount goal. Losing or withdrawing from the fight is not, never, an option for Dr. M. He would either win or die fighting.

Dr. M’s gloves are off. He is not averse to getting his hands dirty even wallowing in cesspools. He does not seem to shy away from stirring shit or slinging mud whatsoever available and whichever convenient so long as he can get his hands on them and hoping that some would stick and stink Najib. Plain, simple and downright dirty frontal onslaught to wear Najib down and force him into throwing in his towel. There is no other outcome, embattled Najib must be forced to tuck his tail between his legs and bow out. One must not underestimate Dr. M. Despite his age, a nonagenarian no less, he is still relentlessly tenacious. His mind is still spitefully alert, his tongue venomously sharp and heart maliciously wicked. Befriend him at your own peril. Be wary when he embraces you and don’t be surprised when not if you find a knife sticking out your chest.

So far Najib has proven to be a tough nut to crack. He has the high ground. Rather than throwing in the towel like his predecessor, Pak Lah, he is absorbing all Dr. M’s punches, rope-a-dope ala Mohammad Ali, before jabbing out a few well aimed punches of his own by purging and incarcerating known Dr. M’s supporters and those running to his banner. He has also started to circle the wagons by appointing his loyalists to key positions. He is not shy about going back on his words. Come on, he is a politician. Politicians speak with forked tongue. They lie all the time, whenever convenient, since their crooked words have the honor more crooked than the belly of a rattlesnake. He is not taking any chances by striking out preemptively against any perceived threats, real or otherwise, to his position. Evidently, he is not a “sick cat” as many perceived earlier but more of a “sleeping tiger” to Dr. M’s dismay.

Stop racism

In military terms, Dr. M has so far been out flanked and out maneuvered. He needs to re-group and re-strategize his next assaults. When all else fails, Dr. M falls back on the over used and over rated Chinese Bogeymen. He did attempt by accusing Najib being too generous to the Chinese at the expense of the Malay populace and somehow strenuously linking Najib’s cordial relationship with Singapore as bowing to the Chinese. That’s Dr. M in case you do not know him.

So far nothing seems to work. Since Najib is not obliging him, Dr. M has no choice but to change his tack. Recently, he asserted that the Malays should emulate the Chinese who dumped MCA when it failed them economically and likewise the Malays should dump UMNO. Hasn’t he been using the Chinese as the punching bag and bogeyman to justify his discriminatory racial policies, handouts and quotas during his tenure? Now he is saying emulate the Chinese bogeyman. Has he lost his marbles? Did the wily of old fox experience his moment of epiphany? What the hell is that old fox up to? Many are baffled. Don’t be, just remember a leopard does not change its spots.

He knows his carpet bombardments have all failed miserably to dislodge Najib. Najib may be shaken, embattled even, but not dislodged. Running low on ammunition, he needs to bomb smartly and precisely at UMNO, Najib’s bastion. As in medieval warfare, he needs to dig below the foundation like sappers to undermine the very foundation of UMNO. He understands the politics of patronage for he created it. He knows Najib’s warchest can only buy support from that many, not all, UMNO warlords. Thus, he is persuading the disenfranchised warlords to his cause and appealing to the disgruntled grassroots to instigate an internal revolt within UMNO to oust Najib as the President and in turn the Prime Minister of Malaysia. He could not care less whether there will be bloodshed. He has shown neither aversion to nor fear of blood so long as Najib is ousted. Well, some said he is one of the masterminds behind May 13 racial riot which was actually a political maneuver to remove the then President of UMNO and first PM of Malaysia, Tunku Abdul Rahman.

Anti Lynas

So far, only a handful of the warlords dare to join his ranks and the grassroots have yet to swell, only minor tremors and rumbling, nothing serious. The jury is still out. The push has not come to shove yet. However, if Dr. M persists in his dare, Najib may one day grant him, despite his name and age, his wish for an all expense paid stay at Sungai Buloh Prison. If Najib is in the good mood, he might give Dr. M the honor of bunking with his erstwhile protégé and deputy, Anwar. However, if he wakes up on the wrong side of his bed, he might lock him up in solitary confinement just to shut both up. Come to think about it, he is better off throwing away both keys. In a hundred days, Dr. M will fade from memory, forgotten in mundanity. Anwar, who? Ain’t politics in Malaysia most excitingly bewildering and tantalizingly fascinating.

So pop the champagne and serve the hors d’oeuvres, sit back, enjoy and let the show begins. How is this show going to end? I can let you in on what I see in my crystal ball. In the end, amidst thunderous applause and festivities, Malaysia finally joins the first world countries and everyone lives happily ever after.

Pause. Re-wind. However, in the meantime, there will proxy skirmishes, media melees, minor fracas and may be even racial bickering and religious scuffle, sensitive but none decisive until the next battle line is drawn after GE14 in 2018. So don’t fret, just live your life to your fullest.

Freedom bill

Pause. Re-wind. How about Dr. M and Najib? I am certain Dr. M will meet his maker soon, may be pre-GE14 and may be post-GE14. You will have to ask Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos the exact date. Will he be arrested? Najib does not need to do so, bad for PR to jail a frail old man however feisty. I doubt Najib is foolish. He can easily isolate Dr. M and reduce his voice into an old lonely man muttering by himself in the wilderness. Remember Generals Patton and MacArthur, both old heroes just faded away into historical oblivion. As for Najib, he will remain the PM until GE14, after which the political landscape and UMNO will in all likelihood nudge him out on an indefinite gardening leave. I may be wrong though as my crystal ball is opaque glass. So now that you know the full story, the cast, props and scripts, plot and sub-plots, and most importantly the ending, adopt a heck care attitude and live life, man. Just don’t go around calling me Prophet Killjoy and do have some patience to indulge me when I say, “I told you so.”


High Yield Investments, Anybody

It is not too hazy today unlike my thoughts.  I have no idea for my tapestry of ink and words. Lacking inspiration from brain freeze or overdrive, I wonder. Where is my favorite mug of piping hot coffee? Oh yes, I have changed my morning fuel with honey tea, my better half’s advice. No wonder. I must be suffering from lack of ideas from caffeine deficient induced cold turkey.

I gaze out my window into my garden, overgrown but very green. Green is good, refreshingly pleasant for the eyes, the color of grace according to theologians. May be that’s why the founding fathers chose that graceful color for the nation’s currency notes, the Greenbacks. Hmmn…the Greenbacks.


As I muse over the Greenbacks, my memory meanders back to an investment proposition recommended by one of my friends during one of our regular Saturday Night tea gatherings a few weeks ago. My mental paralysis begins to thaw, an idea thickens and words begin to weave into sentences.

“The proposition is meant only for the select few who would be pre-screened for eligibility before being invited to participate in the investment opportunity. Apart from benefitting from the phenomenally high rate of returns, those selected will be given opportunity to rub shoulders with the most elite and intelligent of investors. You just need to invest $120,000 seed money to potentially earn a whopping $5.4 million. You can decide how fast you want to achieve that million dollar figure, at your own pace,” he articulated passionately.

“No, you do not need crack your head over the underlying business. It’s complicated. Just trust them with those headaches and you just concentrate on recruiting two more of your close relatives or friends to invest, and you will immediately earn a payout of over 30% ROI. If your new recruits do the same, you will earn another 20% ROI, and if their respective “Downline” recruits continue to recruit, you will earn additional 20% ROI for each level,” he added persuasively. Sounds damn good, right. Some would say too good to be true. To those he would rebut that only sour grapes say so.

“No, you are not allowed to invest more than $120,000 and you must exit the moment you reap $5.4 million in total. They would magnanimously advocate that such a good, more like great, generous investment opportunity should be shared by as many as possible. Let’s together make millionaires, they would selflessly promote. They would also sagaciously add that every investor you bring on board will forever be in your debt,” he uttered confidently. How does that sound? Too good to be true, well then you are really proven beyond reasonable doubt sourer grapes.

“They would stress that they do not just want your passive investment but also your active commitment to share this opportunity with your close family, relatives and friends. They would assist in the promotion and recruitment, if you are tongue tied, just bring them along for the next all expense paid, no expense spared seminars and conferences, in the most luxury hotel somewhere overseas while you attend a briefing some sort of continuing education into the inner workings and secrets of the investment,” he finished sagely. Wow, even I am tempted. Too good to be true again, well you are definitely proven beyond reasonable doubt sourest grapes, hopeless case. No point wasting my breath on you.


What if you are unable to recruit to your “Downline”, you may ponder? Don’t worry, after fulfilling the requisite 2 recruits, your “Upline” can only add new recruits vertically downward and that applies for every level. What if you have more than the required 2 recruits “Downline”, you may ask? Just like before, they will be added to your “Downlines” at which ever level they are needed to keep your pyramid community thriving. My God, my moment of epiphany, I am believe, I am converted. Where do I sign? Shut up! I have already said that I ain’t gonna waste my breath on you!

Come on everybody, let the music begins, let’s party. The celebrations will be revved up when, not if for you will surely achieve the 5th level, then you will be pleasantly surprised with a gift of a luxury Continental car in recognition and as status symbol of your success. To incentivize you, boost your ego or rather inspire your bragging rights, your next surprise might be a Lamborghini. Wow, let’s boogie all night long.

As with all beginning there is an ending, and for this party the ending is a certainty, not a question of if but when, and when it comes, it will surely be most devastating for all and tragic for some. Only the top most “Uplines” or scammers in the likes of Charles Ponzi or Bernard Madoff will be smiling all the way to the bank.

The moment you signed on and invested your money, you are fully vested swallowed the hook, line and sinker all in. Now by hook or crook, you just need snare and reel in more recruits. It is imperative for you to continue recruiting if you wish to keep on earning the promised returns. No new recruit means no new money and in turn means no returns. Approach you family, relatives, friends, all and sundry, share the good news, persuade them, pressure them, do whatever necessary beg, borrow or steal to convert them, to sign on and to invest. “Yes, it may be tough but remember when the goings get tough it is the tough that gets going, losers fall by the wayside. No mountain too high and no hurdle too insurmountable,” the upper crust “Uplines” would propound and encourage at lavish conferences. “We are OVERCOMERS!”

I can only wonder why and why and yet why so many still fell for such scams.  The promised returns just do not add-up or make any sense, clearly nonsensical from the risk-reward viewpoint of known earthly assets. It is just out of this world. Such assets if any will in all likelihood be surreally fictitious, or maybe they are really referring to some interstellar assets, real estate on Mars, anyone. In any case, their interstellar investments are usually packaged and promoted as some cryptic proprietary investment methodology, shrouded behind some secret esoteric formulae. They just want to shock and awe you and fascinate you with some spellbinding jargons so that you will be too embarrassed to ask probing questions. They would then captivate you with hypnotic figures, confuse you further with convoluted calculations to finally convert you with financial wizardry so that you will part with your money quickly and most willingly. The tingling of caveat emptor in your mind is smothered irretrievably.


Actually, it is no longer a secret, quite an open secret rather explicit and well publicized that there is no underlying investment or asset. There is also no convoluted and complex methodology or formula.  They are simply using new money or cash infusion from “Downline” investments to pay out “Uplines” or earlier investors. In order for this to continue new cash infusion must be increased exponentially through equally exponential recruitments. Any recruitment failure, if unplugged, will result in the calamitous collapse of the whole pyramidal scheme.

You do not need to be financially savvy or a genius to understand the workings of such scams. Payouts are only made after the receipts of investment money from ‘Downlines” to ensure cash inflow is always larger than outflow. Upon achieving the predetermined level depending on the greed of the founding scammer, he would drop all tool, roll down the shutters and close his bucket shop and probably disappear for an indefinitely vacation on the sunny and sandy Bermuda Island with all the money accumulated (last column on the right). It is so simple and yet funnily many fell for it, almost amazing.

Based on my simple financial modeling, let’s assume a conservative exponential growth rate of 2 or each just need to recruit another two, 1st payout upon successful recruitment of first two let’s say 33% and 18% thereafter. You can potentially earn the promised $6.135 million from your initial investment of $120,000 at the successful recruitment at the 10th level. By then there should be a total of 1,203 investors in your pyramidal community, investing a total of $122.76 million while paying out only a total of $47.01 million (including your $6.135 million) and leaving the founding scammer with a whopping $75.75 million or if he is less greedy, he might just be satisfied and run away with $11.66 million at the 7th level. As it is oft said, “Everyone has his price.” Come to think about it, they are rather ingenious pulling off such a simple back of the envelope scam probably using a rudimentary and archaic abacus to prey on sucker’s greed, rich and poor alike.

Spread 1a

By just tweaking only the growth rate from 2 to 4 and you will find all the figures blown beyond the stratosphere, at the 10th level the community will have 262,144 investors who have invested a mind boggling total of $41.94 billion while paying out only $4.36 billion, leaving the founder with an astronomical $37.58 billion. “Houston, we have a problem.”

Spread 2a

Understand. Sounds easy, right? I must admit it is a damn bloody attractive investment proposition, once in a life time opportunity not to be missed, right? The scammers understand human psyche and are just preying on our fear of losing out or missing the boat by ensnaring our most primal desire of greed or avarice. As for the rest, just pray that you are not too low in the pyramid and the founding scammer is playing for a huge payout so that you will not be amongst the many out of money when the music stops.

I guess that is main reason why such scams and their derivatives keep popping up over the years despite deafening anguish outcry of financial losses and sobbing sorrowful recounts of suicides. Tragically, I did lose a childhood friend when one of such scams collapsed not too long ago. He just could not face his family and friends for losing their hard earned savings. Too ashamed to face another day and overwhelmed with grief, he took the leap that fateful morning to end it all. However, on a brighter note, I did manage to convince another friend to haggle and hound her “Upline” to get back her money quickly prior to scam inevitable collapse and a few before they took the plunge.


Always remember, there is no such thing as a free lunch. If the proposition is too good to be true, it is most likely not true. Be wary of investment opportunity invites. Don’t be tempted by extraordinary returns. Don’t be swayed by success evangelists especially those who proclaim from a luxurious stage or drive around in show off continental cars. Beware also of those with are already invested for they have vested interest to recruit more especially family members, relatives and friends just to keep the party going. Remember success has many mothers failure is an orphan. Learn to simply say NO!

Such scams and their derivatives come in various shades and sizes, to name a few that keep cropping up over the years, schemes like offshore loans, high yield investment funds, SBLC, Nigerian Notes and so on.  They just refuse to go away because human greed is a recalcitrant vice and new suckers are born every day. I leave you with a quote from the Holy Bible, 1 Timothy 6:9, “But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction.”

I Proposed Almighty Disposed

In Nov 2001, I finally put my 3 years of debate and struggle into action. I moved my family back to my old hometown, Sungai Petani from my adoptive home, Singapore. My late father, God blesses his soul, thought I had lost my mind. I tried to explain but to no avail and chagrined I gave up. I had my reasons I kept explaining to him. My confidence was granite firm, decision crystal clear and plan rock solid however uncertain and fragile the future may behold. I was thorough and conservative, not reckless nor rash, in my thoughts and hope that my plan will pan out and come to pass smoothly. I was fervent and hopeful in my pleas that God will not turn a deaf ear but turn his countenance upon to me and find favor in my prayers. I waded in and plough on despite torrents of disagreement. I did struggle against intermittent doubts which seeped through my conviction. However, I pressed on, remained steadfast and stayed the course.

Admittedly, one of the main reasons for the drastic move was my boys’ education. I had my 3 boys’ future in my hands, a heavy decision and weighty responsibility. Undeniably, Singapore’s education even back then was first class, world class, unparalleled in both hardware and software. Teachers were well trained and motivated to encourage and inspire educational learning experience. Schools were uncongested and well equipped with state of the art facilities and equipment to provide environment conducive to learning. Syllabi and programs were current and first rate to promote enriching learning experience and development. I was making a conscious decision, though difficult and many thought rash even reckless but I must aver it was a well informed well thought through decision, though contrarian when I took them out of Singapore’s system into the much less desired Malaysian one.


Lacking natural resources, Singapore has no other choice but to place much resources and emphasis on human resources education and training. It is imperative, a matter of necessity from the lack, for Singapore to develop the only resource of her very own. The whole education pathway from birth to grave for every citizen and resident of the country is well mapped out to ensure relevant opportunity at appropriate level for optimized learning experience based on meritocracy.

After 1-2 years of pre-schooling or kindergarten, students will be “sieved and channeled” into the most appropriate level and stream of study at predetermined year. However, the only fly in the education system is that the streaming was essentially based academic excellence which tends to favor and create elitism amongst the smarter ones while leaving behind cohorts of late or slow developers.

Attempts were made to flatten the playing field but there could only be so much equality amongst the equals. Balloting akin to lottery for places in Primary 1 was one of such attempts. Failure to secure a place in popular schools will be allotted a place in the nearest neighborhood school. Every child will have equal opportunity to education. And I was reminded of the “Animal Farm”.

Despite Ministry of Education’s vehemence that standards of education at all schools were equally the same, it was an open secret that some are more equal than the others. Beginning of each academic year, parents would walk the extreme miles, even schemed and scammed, to secure a place in Primary 1 in the more popular schools for their child.

My eldest was born in the year of the Golden Goat and he did not even make it to the ballot boxes. Our apartment which was located outside the 1km radius of the popular Henry Park Primary and Fairfield Methodist Primary schools sealed my son’s fate. He was destined for the nearest neighborhood school, Ghim Moh Primary, to be followed by his younger siblings.

At Primary 3, all students would sit for an examination for a chance to be selected for transfer to a SAP/Gifted school. I was told years later that my eldest was actually chosen with a handful of his classmates but they decided not to take up the offer. At Primary 4, students would sit for EM1, 2 and 3 streaming. At Primary 6, students would sit for the PSLE examination. They would then progress to secondary schools, technical institutes or extended Primary 7-8. At Secondary 4, they would sit for “O” level examination before progressing into polytechnics or Junior Colleges. Those in Junior Colleges would then sit for “A” level examination before progressing to University.

Asean scholarships were offered to entice top overseas students into continuing their education in Singapore, to remain and work in the country upon graduation and hopefully to take up the citizenship of the country. Many scholarships were offered to those pursuing tertiary education in Singapore. Only the bright ones who had excelled in the home country were selected and offered the opportunity to finish the final leg of education before joining the workforce. This strategy actually drained “top brain” from the surrounding countries at a minimal cost to the country, very clever indeed of Singapore.


Instead of meritocracy, Malaysia sadly chose the route of mediocrity. The country’s education system and agenda were hijacked, impaired and messed up by politicians, patronage and pandering through the misguided interpretation of special positions as special rights. Misplaced nationalistic fervor replaced English, the main and global language of education, with the parochial national language overnight, and the slide down the slippery slope of rot began. The command of spoken and written English embarrassingly plunged to sub-standard levels. The standards of teaching and learning Mathematics and Sciences too were ruined.

Disappointedly, world history was covered in broad strokes one or two sentences without in depth inquiry. Local ancient and diverse history was white washed with over emphasis on specificity and parochialism and glossed over with bias racial and religious pandering in the exclusion of other civilizations and religions. Instead of pride, some felt slighted to be reminded of their diverse ancestry. Instead of embracing diversity, some crowed the supremacy of specificity. The once united multi ethnic population fragmented along racial and religious fissure into narrow minded citizenry with myopic worldview like the proverbial frog below the coconut shell.

Examinations were no longer the process for selection and streaming of students into the appropriate level or stream of study but mere going through the motion exercise. Passing examination grades were driven by statistics rather than quality. Entries into public Universities were based on quotas, less so merits. Preferential treatments, quotas and scholastic handouts were the tools employed to fulfill statistics of academic achievement, self aggrandizement based on numbers, regardless of skill, competency and employability. Today, even the once reputable University Malaya has sadly disappeared from the radar of renown.

Fortunately for the country, the Chinese community consciously and resolutely fended off encroachment of mediocrity by the Ministry all these years. Against all odds, they were able to maintain uncompromising high standards of education in vernacular schools. Further, when numerous were unfairly deprived of places at public universities, the community prevailed again to avail tertiary education opportunities by setting up many privately funded institutions of higher learning. Today, equally as many have even outshone their public counterparts in academic excellence and market recognition.


And you are still wondering why I took the drastic step of uprooting my boys from first class Singapore’s into third class Malaysia’s? My answer is simply gradualism and emigration.

Singapore’s education is without doubt one of the world’s finest. However, on its darker side, the system could be quite ruthless and very relentless, and definitely unforgiving and utterly uncompromising particularly to academic laggards, dawdlers and late bloomers. It is just like one must hit ground running from day 1 or one must play like a Division 1 player in a Division 1 play off, otherwise off to the dugout or bench and enjoy the game. I have 3 boys.

Do I want to wager that all three are intellectually smart enough to sail blissfully through the strong winds and none will sink by the wayside? Do I want to risk impairing their learning experience by subjecting them through a rather pressurizing system? Do I want to gamble ruining their wholesome childhood in order to surpass societal norm and parental expectations? Or do I want to give them more time to study and defer their decision for further studies till much later?

Unquestionably, the Malaysian education system has been blighted by flip-flops policies, mistreatment along racial quota and self aggrandizement through manipulated statistics. However, despite its warts and all, the system has somehow inadvertently provided a safety net for slower students who can defer their decisions on which field of study to pursue till they are more mature or decided. Further, headwinds from impediments and abuses merely galvanized students’ resolve to not just rise but excel above adversity. They are forced to survive or perish, training them to perform well under whatever the circumstances, sort of teaching them to be street smart and equipping with survival instinct. Singapore’s inculcates academic excellence and efficiency for a sterile, honest and utopian environment. Lastly, Singapore’s tertiary has limited places while Malaysia’s has a plethora.

On migration, from my personal experience, it was often easier to emigrate to a more develop country and less likely the other way around. Hundreds if not thousands of us left Malaysia for Singapore and only a handful returned. My eldest was the hardest hit when I moved them back. He even penned down his tempest tossed feeling in his school’s yearbook titled “Unforgetable Experience” posted under “Bits & Pieces”. Anyway, children are more adaptable in their tender ages. So I know what I am talking about. A simple test would prove my point. Just broach to any mission neophytes that they have been called to mission field in Timbuktu, they would immediately turn sagacious and most likely need to double check with the Almighty. Suggest the USA or UK, they would instantly jump for joy and automatically confirm the will of God, you know what I mean, right.

Truthfully, my three sons’ journeys through the Malaysian education were far from fair winds. They did labor through unfair headwinds, high crests and deep troughs of flip-flop policies, deceitful promises and unfulfilled pledges of meritocracy. Thankfully, they did their best and overcome all the confusions and turbulence, and my eldest has recently returned to Singapore to begin his physician’s calling. I am euphoric, vindicated, my nagging doubt evaporated. Arguments against my contrarian decision are moot. If they had remained in Singapore, my eldest would probably not be a physician. Now I can confidently affirm that my proposed has been disposed by the Almighty according to His will and richness in glory.